Tuesday, December 8, 2009

1. what in your opinion is layout design?
to me i believe a layout design is a back ground. the style and little designs that a background has.

2. How can the use of contrast repetition alignment and proximity (crap) affect or effect the look of your product?
this could affect the product because if a person were to repeat the colors they used the final product would be reined ,look boring dull. unappealing to the person looking at the final product. the effect could be that the final product has a bold look to it.

3. Do you think balance has a purpose in a layout design?how?where?
yes i think a layout needs balance if balance isn't taken into consideration the product would look odd, and out of shape.

4. How do you think all these principles tie in together to create an effective layout design?
in order to make an effective layout design a person needs to have balance and have aligment and proximity in order to make a good final product.

Monday, December 7, 2009

answer questions again with knowlege.

there is so much to know about the theroy of colors. there are two types of colors. there are cool colors and there are warm colors. Both are on the color wheel. Theres also secondary colors and primary colors. Colors are a big part of life. With out them life would be boring and dull. Each color has a meaning. blue =boy in america and pink=girl. green can =tranquility and money.the color of theory has a great inpact for our lives.

paintings and artticles are greatly impacted by the color usive of the product. at times when an object needs balince a person turns to a gray scale. a person may also use tints and shades of the same color. in the end it depends on wich colors compliment the work of art you have created.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

color theory

4. My opinion on color theory is that everyone has their own opinion on the colors things should be. It could be on pictures, movies , paintings. Different colors may attract some people but not all, and blend together.

5.The colors on my product can be affected by water making the painting effected.
the product could get ruined (affected) making it messed up, no good anymore (effected).

6. pictures, ads, text, can have a major impact on are final product. the way a person formats it and decorates the final project helps catch your audience attention. if you have none of these materials it could affect your final project greatly.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Cafeteria: Friend or Foe

September 4, 09

By: Alexis Nunez, Ivette Cavazos

I had many questions about the cafeteria, and assumed my peers would to. So I took the liberty to interview a lunch lady, who will remain anonymous. As I greeted her; I looked to see if she wore the proper uniform needed. Yes, it consisted of gloves, aprons, hair nets, safety belts, and etc. I asked the question you all recommended me to ask. Sadly I was disappointed with the answers I received. She answered the questions, but was completely bias. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get the whole scoop on why the food looks and tastes revolting. These were the following questions asked.

Is the food healthy? Why does it taste and look bad?

: “Yes of course the food is healthy for the students. I don’t think the food is bad. People must learn to adapt to new foods”

Is the food harmful? Can it make us fat in any way?

: “The foods we serve have no saturated fat. We steam everything we can. We don’t fry foods, because that can be fating. We don’t add oil to foods either. Students can’t get fat since we serve in small portions as well.”

What do you as a person think of the food you serve us?

: “I think it’s different from what other schools serve. I find it good, the best food I’ve ever had. I definitely recommend this food for diabetic people.”

Where is the food stored? And what happens to the left over’s?

: “The foods are kept refrigerated. All covered up. We throw out the leftovers.

Many of us may not see the cafeteria food the way the lunch ladies do; but together we can make a difference. If we write letters and offer suggestions the lunch ladies say their willing to listen. Don’t worry class mates hang in there. There’s been news going around that there’s a new chef in the kitchen. Some say the food has improved. If you see no improvement, bring your own lunch from home, it’s allowed. And for you healthy eaters out there, we’re hoping the salad bar comes back on Monday.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

my url is http://alexisnunez.blogspot.com 


Mrs. Hernandez. I'm very new to computers. Ipretty much don't know anything thing about them ,as i have mentioned. I am a follower already so do i need to send you my url?? and also where are we supose to do are artical? I have finished it all and printed it out.when will you be asking for it? I ask you so many questions because it really wasnt maid clear on what we had to do. But my fault. I could have asked sooner.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Im not really sure how this works, i don't know how a blogger will help me with school... but I'm pretty sure Mrs Hernandez will tell us how. 
As soon as i learn how to use this thing i will make it useful to  my learning.